Everett Public Libraries

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Everett Public Libraries


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  • Halloween Program
    Children's Librarian Wanda Coughlin tells scary stories on Halloween, 1987
  • West Everett Branch
    Miss Loretta Swain helps a patron at the Parlin Library West Everett Branch
  • Parlin addition ground breaking
    Director John Adams addresses gathering at the groundbreaking for the Parlin Library extension in April, 1990. Part of the gathering are Mayor John McCarthy (2nd L), Immaculate Conception Pastor Rev. Edmund Sviokla, and City Councillor G. Joseph Leahy (6th L.)
  • Cub Scouts
    Cub Scouts with Mayor David Ragucci (rear, 2nd Left) late 1990s
  • Shute staff 1999
    Shute Library staff 1999. Standing:Mark Parisi, Ellen VanDalinda. Seated: Theresa Troy, Susan Jordan
  • Parlin staff 1955
    Parlin Library staff Sept. 1955. From left, unk., Helen Currier, unk., Ola George Newman, Helen Schroeder
  • Parlin staff 1955
    Parlin Library staff Sept. 1955. From L., Gertrude Mattoon, unk., Millicent Starr, Austina Sennert
  • Campfire day
    "Campfire Day" at the Parlin Library as the Campfire Girls pose with library director Avis Schroeder (L)
  • Nativity display
    Nativity display at Parlin Library 1955. Mark Philip Lany (L) and Barbara Casali (R)
  • Nativity display
    Nativity display at Parlin Library 1955. Mark Phillip Lany (L) and Barbara Casali (R)
  • Mock trial
    Mock trial, staged at Parlin Library, Jan. 30, 1970
  • Everett highway safety
    Parlin Library Director with Boy Scout Donald Kerr, taken during Everett Highway Safety campaign, August 31-Sept. 7, 1953
  • Living Pictures
    Margaret Brooks as "Mary Poppins" in the "living pictures" program at the Parlin Library, 1956
  • Ellen VanDalinda
    Ellen VanDalinda. Children's Librarian at Parlin and Shute libraries, 1984-2015
  • Parlin Dedication
    Mayor John McCarthy (behind podium) dedicates the Parlin Library extension, 1991. Library Director John Adams stands far right
  • Sumner Whittier
    Sumner G. Whittier (R) with Library Director Deborah Abraham (L)
  • Living Pictures
    Diane Lambros is Cinterella in the Parlin Library's "Living Pictures" program, 1956
  • Franklin Park Zoo Trip
    Pre-schoolers get ready for a field trip to the Franklin Park Zoo, May, 1969
  • Living Pictures
    Jane Tiernan portrays "The Proud Princess" at the Parlin Library's "Living Pictures" program in 1956
  • Living Pictures
    Annett Cardillo portrays "The Pirate's Doll" at the Parlin Library's "Living Pictures" program in 1956
  • Living Pictures
    Ruth Ann Iovanni is "The Little Lame Prince" in the Living Pictures progeam at the Parlin Library in 1956
  • Living Pictures
    Mary Moreschi and Theresa Moreschi are "Lady and the Tramp" at the Parlin Library's "Living Pictures" program in 1956
  • Living Pictures
    Robert Brooks, as "The Enormous Egg", part of a "Living Pictures" tableaux held at the Parlin Library in Spring, 1956
  • Story Hour
    Helen Currier conducts Parlin Library story hour.
  • Summer Reading 1956
    Summer reading prize winners. Front row,, l to r, Elaine Bosco, Joan O'Neil,. Middle row, Suzanne Malino, Marilyn Blea, Theophelia Panchyshyn, Carolyn Braczyk. Back row, Claudia Oliveri, Yvonne Mallett, and Peggy Madden, who read 51 books and wrote the winning essay.